2008년 6월 20일 금요일

character -final note





Intention-individuality, sympathy,niche marketing

Concept-반사회적, 어두운 캐릭터

Scenario-세상의 모순을 수단방법 가리지 않고 해결 개성만점 3인의 유쾌한 활극

application-캐릭터상품, 에니메이션, 게임

소감: 너~무 재밌었어요 아잉♡

2008년 6월 7일 토요일

정보기술개론 final summary

What is 'Resistance' in digital media?
-It was said that resistance tactics and means 'to oppose the strategies of '. And I think it means outsiders from 'Copyright for Program/Information'. Because they 'resist' to copyright for them.

What is example of action by resistances?
-They disturbs commercial s/w, by virus, trojan horse, worm, bomb, back door, and so on. Those s/w disturbs computers, servers, and a lot of softwares sometimes.

What are counterproposals for 'Resistances'?
-Many guys made open source software for many resistances. Open source are free for all. And they made GNU project for many open source users. (The word GNU is very funny-It is initials from 'Gnu(one of antelope) is Not Unix!'!) And they made GPL for GNU software, and Linux, BSD, etc.

2008년 6월 2일 월요일




3.캐릭터:디도(여자), 디비, 원.쓰(원펀치 쓰리강냉이)


5.컨셉: 눈치보는 한국인 풍자

6.1회 내용:디도,디비,원쓰의 만남

2008년 5월 24일 토요일

정보기술개론 summary & 캐릭터 會議錄5

If you have privacy, you are in a place or situation which allows you to do things without other people seeing you or disturbing you.

Public means relation to all the people in a country or community.

digital media versus computer science
inefficient - efficient

What divides public and privacy?
-Perhaps it is 'How many people knows about'. Because privacy is the fact, thinking, action not known to many people. And public is the fact, thinking, action well known to many people.

What is the different point between computer science and digital media?
-Computer science makes technology more efficient for public, But digital media makes inverse as computer science does. So computer science and digital media are opposite each other.

Surveillance & Dataveillance?
-In last age, many programming/contents system were 'Read-only' system like ROM. Rakuten, Amazon are example of that system. But now, main system is 'Read-Write' system like RAM. Auction, Youtube, Pandora TV, Niconico Video are example of that system. Because consumers can uplode contents made by themselves. So we can see many kinds of DIY contents made by consumer-themselves.

캐릭터 회의

일시,장소: 5월 23일 정보대 테라스

주제: 컬러링


다음 회의 일정:5월 26일

會議錄4 5월 19일

장소:정보대 5층 테라스

주제:시장조사분석 및 캐릭터 결정

내용:시장조사분석-Director 블로그 참조
캐릭터 결정-동물캐릭터로 할 것인가, 인간으로 할 것인가....

다음 회의 일정 및 주제: 5월 23일 , 칼라링

2008년 5월 19일 월요일

2008년 5월 18일 일요일

정보기술개론 summary

What is substitution for human organ?
-There are many substitution for human organ. For example, glasses substitute our eyes. and clothes substitute out skin, and cel-phone substitutes our memory, pinset substitutes our hands, and so on.

Are we free from them?
-I think we are not free from substitutions. because we are not naked in ordinary-because we wear clothes. and we use pinset, chopsticks by substitution of our hands. More deeply, weapons are substitution of our fist/kicks. In modern age, we are not free from them and we depend on them.

Ghost in the shell......
-The sub-title of animation movie 'Koukyakukidoudai'. In the movie, Kusanagi is cyborg police agent. Only her brain is nature human's, other organs are machines. So she is almost machine, but she isn't. But she is not human, either. In the story, she is in pain because she is also confused by the fact that she is neither human nor machine.

Machine artificial organs......
-Those are replacement of lost organs like a legs/arms. Many humans lose his/her own organs by accident/war like a Rugal Bernstein(in King of Fighters), Bando(in Elfen lied), Hyoma Aoi(in Combattler V)...and so on. They lost their own arm by suiciding/battle with other guy/in accident during rescuing other guys. So they gets new electronic arm.

Is human all same?
-The fact 'We are human!' is same, but others are not same-because each guys have many other thing. for instance, one guy can have dark skin, but other guy can have bright skin. and one can be male, but other can be female. and each guys have all different hobbies/feeling about an action/objects in life. So I think that all humans are not same.

Is cyborg is real human or machine?
-I can't divide human/cyborg/machine directly, and I'm confused that cyborg is human or machine. because cyborg is not human or machine. Cyborg has things of both side. Like a Kusanagi(in Koukyakukidoudai) or Maxima(in King of Fighters), They can have human brains, but they can also have machine organs/bones. So I'm confused by the question about cyborg.

2008년 5월 12일 월요일


일시:5월 9일

장소:정보대 5층 테라스

주제:시장조사 토론, 세부 컨셉 결정

(1).캐릭터 선호도에 관한 설문지
(2).한국 캐릭터 시장에 관한 문제점 분석
(3).성공가능성 예측 분석
2.세부 컨셉 결정
-성격, 직업 등등

개인업무: D-시장조사 분석, 설문, 캐릭터 세부 컨셉
CA-시장조사 설문에 필요한 스케치

다음 회의 일정 및 주제: 5월 16일, 시장조사 결과 분석 및 Basic Design 분석

2008년 5월 10일 토요일


1.What is needed to make game?
-Those are graphics, physics, A.I,rules, programming codes, stories, and so on.

2.What is game 'Mod'?
-It is the shorter name of 'modification'. It is used in fps games, rpg games, and so on.

3.What is needed to program source of a game?
-Physics and A.I. are needed to make a programming codes for a game.

4.History of computer game
-It is started with basic ping pong game. And it starts to evaluate more really and effectively. In 1980s, Atari and NES appear to stage of game consoles. And many arcade video game rooms are made in 1980s. In these days, we can play with virtual reality and touch screens....and so on.

5.What is two issues to consider for games from film theory?
-One is identification, and the other is space, First, In game, a player have character's identification in game whil playing. Because characters do acts as player may trigger. Next, In game, space can be different from our common sense/real world. Because game's space is similar with that of literacture. So game's space can be as game director may make.

6.what’s a boy’s space?
is it a place where boys can...
–enjoy lurid images?
–prove themselves with stunts?
–gain mastery?
–(re)produce hierarchies?
–vent aggressive feelings?
–engage in scatological humor?
–competitively role-play?
–and bond together

7.What's a girl's space?
Brenda Laurel says: “Girl space is a space of secrets and romance, a space of one’s own in a world which offers you far too little room to explore.”
I think it is almost correct but sometimes probably not.

8.hot and cool media

–Telephone is a cool medium, or one of low definition, because the ear is given a meager amount of information. And speech is a cool medium of low definition, because so little is given and so much has to be filled in by the listener. On the other hand, hot media do not leave so much to be filled in or completed by the audience. Hot media are, therefore, low in participation, and cool media are high in participation or completion by the audience. Naturally, therefore, a hot medium ... has very different effects on the user from a cool medium...

9.hot or cool
so, are video games hot or cool media?
It is cool media.

2008년 5월 3일 토요일


What is CSCW?
-CSCW is Computer Supported Cooperative Work. that is a field of research and design. The examples of CSCW are CAD, CAM, and so on(Like a 3DMAX, Google architecturing tool...). CSCW has a process-form.

Who are main users of computer-aid?
-The main users of computer-aid are architecturer, industrial designer, media artist....and so on. But any guy can use computer-aid for creative activity.

What is model of conversation by Winograd and Flores?
-It is the process of conversationing by Winograd and Flores. They descripted conversations sequence of actions. Their fact is that people are understood to be doing things by saying things. Their conversation loop is composed by four processes. These are Preparation, Negotiation, Perfomance, and Assurance.

What are the architectures of cyberspace?
-Maybe those are liked things, networks, etc. Like a FTP, HTTP protocol, the second life......

What is surveilance?
-It is close watch kept over someone or something. The root is 'Panopticon' in ancient greece. In panopticon, there is a guardian for prisoners. Guardian can watch prisoners, but prisoners can't. And prisoners just can see front.

2008년 5월 1일 목요일


일시:4월 28일

장소:조만식기념관 207

참석인원:PM맹민호 D김택윤 CA안선희
내용: 1. 스케줄 조정(추후 공지)

2.업무 계획- 캐릭터 컨셉 설정->시장조사-> Basic Design(nameing,sketch,coloring_
->Application Design(Action,Icon, Emblem) -> Manual Book

3.캐릭터 컨셉 확정:Kidult용 캐릭터 (1)반사회적
(2)어두운 분위기
(3)선비민족(눈치보는 한국인) 풍자
(4)남2, 여1

D:컨셉에 관한 사항 정리, 유사 캐릭터 비교, 보완
CA:컨셉, 분위기에 맞는 캐릭터 스케치(D와 상의)

2008년 4월 26일 토요일

[정보기술개론]class summary

Is a computer alive?
-I think it's not alive thing. because computers are composed by 'Turned on' or 'off'(these are equal to '1' or '0' in number, and 'True' or 'False' in boolean number.). and the graphic, sound, programmings in computers are composed to same things. So the thing by input/output devices are just 'turning'. so I believe computers are not alive.

Who are the men who used human-computer interactions as tools?
-They are V. Bush, Licklinder, Sutherland, D. Engelbart, Ted Nelson, and Alan kay. Many of them are introduced in previous class. V. Bush's HCI tool is memex, D. Engelbart's those are Graphic-User-Interface, Mouse, Word Processor, Windows. Ted Nelson's that is Hypertext, and Alan kay's that is laptops....and so on.

How the Human-Computer Interaction works?
-First, Human think how interact with computer. Then they design interact program/devices. And they input information of their interacting system to computer. Computer recognizes the information by human. and they turn out information turned on by human. With these processing, Human and computer can interact with each others.

What is problem of ELIZA?
-The problem is that ELIZA could talk about fix things. Like a 'Yes~', 'No~', 'Please go on', and so on.

2008년 4월 21일 월요일


일시:4월21일 12시
장소:조만식 기념관 207호
내용: 새로운 캐릭터 디자인에 관한 컨셉-->kidult용 캐릭터
ex>괴짜가족, 고릴라즈
타겟연령--> '순수성'을 버린 고딩부터 보수파 직전의 30대
다음회의 일시:미정

2008년 4월 12일 토요일

class summary

who is Alan Turing?
He is a Founder of computer science, artificial intelligence, mathematician, philosopher, codebreaker, and gay.

Turing's imitation game
-It is played with three people, a man, a woman, and an interrogator who may be of either sex. The interrogator stays in a room apart from the other two. The object of the game for the interrogator is to determine which of the other two is the man and which is the woman

-It is [the man's] object in the game to try and cause [the interrogator] to make the wrong identification.

-The object of the game for [the woman] is to help the interrogator.

artificial intelligence
- artificial intelligence is the science of making machines do things that would require intelligence as if done by humans.

What is eliza?
-It is the computer program for the study of matural language communication between Man and Machine (said by J.Weizenbaum). we can talk with ELIZA.

2008년 4월 6일 일요일

맹구삼촌과 조까들


1.프로젝트컨셉:미디어학부 실제 인물과 성격을 바탕으로 한 성인용 캐릭터


(1)심리상태에 따른 시각적 변화


나이:아직 20대 중반
성격:무조건 힘으로 하는 난폭한 인물, 하지만 본성은 착함
*허접한 악당, 조카들에게 이것저것 시키고 막말하지만 결국은 당한다.

2:조카 1,2,3

->> ?

성격:터프함, 삼촌 닮아서 힘이 좋지만 가식을 잘 떤다(약한척).
*실제로 조카 3명중 가장 악질이다.

성격:평소에는 착하지만 잠이 덜깬 상태에선 포악해 진다.
*실제로 새벽에 깨워준적이 있음........짜증냈음....ㅠㅠ

->> ?
성격:뒷다마를 좋아한다. 조카들 중 그나마 말을 잘 듣지만 항상 뒷다마를 즐긴다.
*담배신부름(?)과 밥 한번, 음료수 몇 번 얻어먹은적 있음. 소문나서 이미지 실추...
아이같은 삼촌과 어른같은 조카들이 그리는 비극

2008년 4월 5일 토요일

[정보기술개론]4.4.2008 class summary-social network

New media technologies usually reinforce existing social networks or even work to isolate people.
However When new media technologies facilitate new social networks, they simultaneously challenge existing social, political and economic relationships.

1.social networks as science

[Social network analysis] is grounded in the observation that social actors [i.e., people] are interdependent and that the links [i.e., relationships] among them have important consequences for every individual [and for all of the individuals together]. ... [Relationships] provide individuals with opportunities and, at the same time, potential constraints on their behavior. ... Social network analysis involves theorizing, model building and empirical research focused on uncovering the patterning of links among actors. It is concerned also with uncovering the antecedents and consequences of recurrent patterns

2.social networks as technology

-email, newsgroups, and weblogs
- amazon.com’s feature

3•social networks as popular culture

-bacon number
ex>kevin bacon has a bacon number of 0
-an actor, A, has a bacon number of 1 if s/he appeared in a movie with kevin bacon
-an actor, B, has a bacon number of 2 if s/he appear in a movie with A

-“Fixing” the networks - ex> Google hacking

4•social networks as art

-Ben Discoe’s, Friendster Map
-Mark Lombardi, Global Networks
-Official Computer Scene Sexchart
-Josh On (Futurefarmers), They Rule
-Jonah Peretti, Nike Sweatshop Email
-Angie Waller, Data Mining the Amazon
-and so on...

2008년 3월 28일 금요일

[정보기술개론]3.28.2008 class summary and RSS


People make media and then media make people. What a strange talk we feel like!!
What does this sentence mean? For example, professor Yoon make 'someting' which is media before I was born. This fact is equal to "People make media". And then, I meet what he has made. After that maybe I'll adjust that. It means "media make people".

what is the stated motivation of the research?
The WWW was developed to be a pool of human knowledge, which would allow collaborators in remote sites to share their ideas and all aspects of a common project.
It is a standard and a collaboratively authored hypertext.
The www is a vast, heterogeneous network of people and machines

what problem does this research address
Originally the work was to provide a graphical interface to a set of distributed files used in physics project management at CERN (Conseil Européen pour la Recherche Nucléaire (European Council for Nuclear Research) .

uri: universal resource identifier
–url (ssu name), urn(persistent location: declare)
protocol : http, ftp, mailto,
scheme : path (server/directory/file after :)
urn : in a specific name, a specific resource

HTML: hypertext markup language
HTML is derived from standard generalize markup language

http: hyper
http is an internet protocol designed for transferring information for hypertext documents.

2008년 3월 23일 일요일

[charater(실습과제)] My Favorite Character, [charater(이론과제)] Manual Book

3위 판관포청천의 전조
어릴적 전조는 나의 우상이었다. 조각같은 얼굴과 화려한 검술 실력은 화면 속의 등장인물 뿐만 아니라 화면 밖의 시청자들까지 압도해 버렸다. 이 매력적인 인물을 1위에 올리지 않은 이유는 너무 반듯하다는 것과 적을 압도하는 검술 실력을 가지고 있지만 인간의 능력밖을 벗어나지 못한다는 것이다. 난 어떤 것이든 미친놈을 좋아한다.

When I was young, Jun Jo is my idol. What he is a very handsome guy and a master fencer overwhelmed not only viewers out of screen but another characters in the screen. The reason why this attractive character is not ranked number 1 is what he has a good posture and his ability is just human's. I like a mad guy whatever he does.

2위 베르세르크의 가츠
이놈은 정상이 아니다. 신체능력과 싸움에 관한 감각은 인간을 초월했고 가츠에겐 정석이란게 없다. 이것이 나에게 가장 매력적으로 와 닿는 부분이다. 그리고 지옥같은 곳에서 자신의 힘으로 살아남은 유일한 존재 라는 것이 나를 흥분시킨다. 미친놈이다.

He is extraordinary. His sense of combat and ability of body transcend the limits of human's. He does not have a formula. It is the most attractive thing to me. In addition, I was excited the fact that he is the only man to survive at the hell. He is crazy.

1위 이치더 킬러의 카키하라

카키하라는 매져키스트. 매져키스트란 고통으로 부터 성적인 쾌감을 느끼는 사람이다. 내가 본 캐릭터 중 가장 미친놈이다. 자기 혀를 스스로 자르고 일부러 고통느낀다. 내가 미친놈을 좋아하는 이유는 내가 존재하는 현실에선 미친놈들의 행동은 용납되지 않기 때문이다. 일종의 대리만족 이라고 할 수 있겠다. 심하지는 않지만 나 또한 매져키스트라고 생각하고 그런 본능은 누구나 마찬가지 인것 같다. 단지 정도의 차이가 있고 그것을 숨기는 것 뿐이다. 난 이 캐릭터를 통해 매져키즘 같은 자기 자신 어딘가 내재되어 있는 본능에 대해 깊이 생각해 보았다.

Kakihara is masochist. Masochist is someone who gets sexual pleasure from their own pain. He is the most crazy character, I have ever seen. He cut his tongue by himself and he feel pain intentionally. The reason why I like the crazy is that the mad action is not allowed on my reality. It is similar to substitute behavior. I think I am a masochist, not seriously,and many of people seem to have this. Just they have difference of degree and hide it. I deliberate what I feel about latent instinct like masochism through this character.

Manual Book





잘하는 말: 1.나 맹민호야 2.뭐라고 임마?3.ㅅㅂ 4.ㅈㄴ 5.

특징:썩소가 작살남

옛날옛날 맹구와 영구라는 형제가 살았어요.
영구는 부모님의 유산을 혼자서 다가지고 맹구를 내쫒았어요.
맹구는 산에서 나무를 하다가 미친(희)소을 만났어요.
미친(희)소:저좀 숨계주세요ㅠㅠ
맹구:알았다, 내 나무무더기뒤에 숨거라.
그때 잠시후 사냥꾼 호식이가 지나갔어요.
미친(희)소:고마워요, 저~기가시면 게이들이 목욕을 하고있을건데, 거기에서 팬티을 훔치세요.
미친(희)소:게이들이 팬티가 없이 3시간이 있으면 아름다운 여인으로 변해요.
맹구는 게이들에게 갔습니다.
미친(희)소의 말대로 게이들이 목욕을 하고 있었어요.
맹구가 팬티를 훔쳐서 게이 한명이 바나나걸 이현지로 변했습니다.
맹구는 아이 셋을낳고 살다가 사기 당해 집을 압류 당했어요
그때 볏단으로 만든 집을 보았어요.
그 볏단으로 만든집은 돼지가 살고있엇어요.
돼지:당신 누구야!!
맹구는 돼지를 잡아먹고 집을 차지햇어요.
그때 족장 권선미가 나타났어요.
족장은 입으로 볏단으로 만든 집을 날려버렷어요.
맹구는 당황해서 나무위로 올라갔어요
그떄 족장은 원주민들을 부르고는 그위로 올라가서 맹구를 잡을수있는 경지까지 올라왓어요.
맹구:이제 죽는구나, 마지막으로 이 피리나 불어야지ㅡㅜ
맹구는 피리를 불었는데, 맨밑에있는 원주민 이중희가 피리소리에맞춰 춤을추다가 원주민들이 다 고꾸라져 죽었어요.
하지만 족장은 조금 숨이 붙어있었답니다.
맹구:나 맹민호야
하며 썩소를 날렸습니다
이때 족장은 세기의 명언을 하지요
"I'll be back"
족장 권선미
사냥꾼 장호식
원주민1 이중희
바나나걸 이현지

2008년 3월 22일 토요일

[정보기술개론]3.21.2008 class summary

What is Hypertext?
It is the way that digital media has been understood and it is as new forms of writing, reading and thinking.
It is like as 'to make a dadaist poem'. Shortly, It is an arbitrary medium.

Who is Engelbart?
He is an inventor of the mouse and demo. I think he is a creative person as Bush is too.
He rendered great services to the development of computer science.
One of th most greatest things is to embody the concept of hypertext.

Frankly speaking, I did'nt understand about a half of lecture at the class.
So I cannot write anymore. Next time I'll get more advance preparation.
I'm sorry sir.

2008년 3월 15일 토요일

[정보기술개론]3.14.2008 class summary-As we may think

Immense knowlegde exists on earth and it is very importent things. The most momentous thing is how we use that appropriately and rapidly. Just now we accept this as common because the Internet(can retrieve information) is always around us. It can offer an amount of unimaginable knowledge.
Vannevar Bush thought similar thing like to searth the internet in 1945. It is Memex.
The base of Memex is human's association of thoughts. He said "A memex is a device in which an individual stores all his books, records, and communications, and which is mechanized so that it may be consulted with exceeding speed and flexibility." I think that it is very innovative thinking. Only in 1945!! Maybe what we imagin will be actualized someday, like Memex.