2008년 5월 3일 토요일


What is CSCW?
-CSCW is Computer Supported Cooperative Work. that is a field of research and design. The examples of CSCW are CAD, CAM, and so on(Like a 3DMAX, Google architecturing tool...). CSCW has a process-form.

Who are main users of computer-aid?
-The main users of computer-aid are architecturer, industrial designer, media artist....and so on. But any guy can use computer-aid for creative activity.

What is model of conversation by Winograd and Flores?
-It is the process of conversationing by Winograd and Flores. They descripted conversations sequence of actions. Their fact is that people are understood to be doing things by saying things. Their conversation loop is composed by four processes. These are Preparation, Negotiation, Perfomance, and Assurance.

What are the architectures of cyberspace?
-Maybe those are liked things, networks, etc. Like a FTP, HTTP protocol, the second life......

What is surveilance?
-It is close watch kept over someone or something. The root is 'Panopticon' in ancient greece. In panopticon, there is a guardian for prisoners. Guardian can watch prisoners, but prisoners can't. And prisoners just can see front.

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