1.What is needed to make game?
-Those are graphics, physics, A.I,rules, programming codes, stories, and so on.
2.What is game 'Mod'?
-It is the shorter name of 'modification'. It is used in fps games, rpg games, and so on.
3.What is needed to program source of a game?
-Physics and A.I. are needed to make a programming codes for a game.
4.History of computer game
-It is started with basic ping pong game. And it starts to evaluate more really and effectively. In 1980s, Atari and NES appear to stage of game consoles. And many arcade video game rooms are made in 1980s. In these days, we can play with virtual reality and touch screens....and so on.
5.What is two issues to consider for games from film theory?
-One is identification, and the other is space, First, In game, a player have character's identification in game whil playing. Because characters do acts as player may trigger. Next, In game, space can be different from our common sense/real world. Because game's space is similar with that of literacture. So game's space can be as game director may make.
6.what’s a boy’s space?
is it a place where boys can...
–enjoy lurid images?
–prove themselves with stunts?
–gain mastery?
–(re)produce hierarchies?
–vent aggressive feelings?
–engage in scatological humor?
–competitively role-play?
–and bond together
7.What's a girl's space?
Brenda Laurel says: “Girl space is a space of secrets and romance, a space of one’s own in a world which offers you far too little room to explore.”
I think it is almost correct but sometimes probably not.
8.hot and cool media
–Telephone is a cool medium, or one of low definition, because the ear is given a meager amount of information. And
speech is a cool medium of low definition, because so little is given and so much has to be filled in by the listener. On the other hand, hot media do not leave so much to be filled in or completed by the audience. Hot media are, therefore, low in participation, and cool media are high in participation or completion by the audience. Naturally, therefore, a hot medium ... has
very different effects on the user from a cool medium...
9.hot or cool
so, are video games hot or cool media?
It is cool media.