2008년 6월 20일 금요일

character -final note





Intention-individuality, sympathy,niche marketing

Concept-반사회적, 어두운 캐릭터

Scenario-세상의 모순을 수단방법 가리지 않고 해결 개성만점 3인의 유쾌한 활극

application-캐릭터상품, 에니메이션, 게임

소감: 너~무 재밌었어요 아잉♡

2008년 6월 7일 토요일

정보기술개론 final summary

What is 'Resistance' in digital media?
-It was said that resistance tactics and means 'to oppose the strategies of '. And I think it means outsiders from 'Copyright for Program/Information'. Because they 'resist' to copyright for them.

What is example of action by resistances?
-They disturbs commercial s/w, by virus, trojan horse, worm, bomb, back door, and so on. Those s/w disturbs computers, servers, and a lot of softwares sometimes.

What are counterproposals for 'Resistances'?
-Many guys made open source software for many resistances. Open source are free for all. And they made GNU project for many open source users. (The word GNU is very funny-It is initials from 'Gnu(one of antelope) is Not Unix!'!) And they made GPL for GNU software, and Linux, BSD, etc.

2008년 6월 2일 월요일




3.캐릭터:디도(여자), 디비, 원.쓰(원펀치 쓰리강냉이)


5.컨셉: 눈치보는 한국인 풍자

6.1회 내용:디도,디비,원쓰의 만남